However, Apple made this harder to do ever since iOS 13 was released. To stop those types of alerts from appearing on the screen, you'll have to disable notifications for the Shortcuts app. These are the banner notifications you'll see for automations. Without the notification, you may not realize the wallpaper is being changed, but if you're well aware that it is, the notification can be annoying real fast. That automation is really cool and one of my new favorites, but it gets ruined by the banner notification that appears whenever the set app opens and your wallpaper updates in the background. More Info: Auto-Change Your iPhone's Background with MacOS Big Sur's Dynamic Wallpapers.For instance, in our guide on the shortcut, we set the wallpaper to change dynamically based on the time of day in the current location, triggered when opening a specific app. To better explain the problem, let's look at the Dynamic Wallpaper shortcut, which changes your iPhone's home and lock screen wallpaper automatically based on whatever action or trigger you define. Shortcuts should feel seamless when their actions are performed, and getting a banner alert each time one initializes takes away the seamlessness of it all.
There are a lot of cool shortcuts you could run on your iPhone, but in iOS 13 and iOS 14, you'll likely see a notification any time you try to run an automation.